Saturday, 11 January 2014

A breath of sea air...

Jan. 11/13
Today was amazing, every last bit!  I enjoyed myself to the max!  Spent the day at the sea, and went swimming.  Enjoyed some time under the cabana’s and drinking fresh coconut water.  I embarked upon my first traditional Ayurvedic treatment, a massage.  Nothing less than amazing!  The treatment began with a full body massage using Ayurvedic oils, than 2 masseuses doused my body continuously with cloths soaked in oils.  The massage took place on a mahogany wood bed, the oils were permitted to flow and drain around me in the bathtub like cut out of the wooden bed.  They then drained to a bucket near my feet.  I could hear the oils drip and drain like a warm waterfall off the edge of the bed.  I could smell some of the excess oils burning off a small burner at the head of the bed, a common smell in India.  Next, I was given a full steam and shower.  I feel unbelievable.  It is really an honor to have two women massage you.  I could feel their rippled skin on the ends of their fingers, as if they had 45 years of work in their palms.  The young girl who massaged me was 19 years old, her partner 27.  It was a very nice experience to be pampered in such a way. 
My body now feels so good.  I think I am ready for 3 weeks of intensive clinical; off to Pune tomorrow.  A little nervous about being back in the big city, but excited to meet up with friends and colleagues. 
A weekend at the sea, a traditional Indian Ayurvedic massage, and fresh Indian cuisine is a real way to begin 3 weeks of training with some of the most renowned homeopaths in the world!

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