Monday, 25 November 2013

Let's get ready for an adventure!

As I get ready for the count down for India 2014, I commence on the journey of protecting my internal state.  Travel Stress is the topic at hand.  I am excited to say, I have complete peace about my adventure off to foreign lands.  It will be interesting having a new expected bedtime, as I believe there will be about a 12 hour difference from Western Canada.

Presently I am reading daily historical mission stories about India, which is so interesting.  The most interesting part, is that these are not stories which I chose to read.  These stories are part of my children's curriculum.  I can't believe, God has provided knowledge and learning to my children through this experience.  This to me is such a gift and I can't wait to see it unfold through our family.  Initial panic, will eventually set in, as mom get's ready to go.  The house will run a little bit different, I am sure.  But never the less, it will still run and life will still go on.  

Probiotics check, melatonin check, and for the sake of my travel mates, cocculus check!  

Hope you will all chime in from time to time and share this wonderful journey with me, as the students of Western College of Homeopathy (that's me!) prepare to learn from some of the world's most renowned homeopath's in India.